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The men of Childhood.. You guys also had some like this!!

These toys were awesome those days. Do we still have those in the market??
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Simple and natural way to stop Snoring.

There is a simple way to stop snoring that hardly anyone knows about. You should definitely try this. In most cases snoring is a unique problem, that mostly affects the ones that live with the one with this issue. And if your partner snores, you already knows what we are talking about here. Lets admit is SNORERS do not share. Our terrible destiny to spend sleepless nights and wake-up irritated. In most cases, snoring happens during the deep sleep cycles of people miss shape in nasal walls constricted airways, or ones that have consumed too much alcohol or are over weight. Additionally, snoring can also be caused by an excess PHLEGM in the throat or nose. Yet we are here to share the good news. There is an effective natural remedy which stops snoring. Numerous people state that the regular consumption of the following tasty anti-snoring Juice has helped them stop snoring. Ingredients: Lemon - 1/4 Carrots - 2 Fresh Ginger root - 1 Apple - 2 Method of...

Family and social media!!!

A person Intensive Care Unit and he has 3,674 Facebook friends, 1,584 Twitter followers, 1917 WhatsApp contacts 200 whatsapp group's *Still outside the Intensive Care Unit he had only his wife, children,sisters and his parents, for whom he never had time to spend. Move out of this imaginary world and spend some time with your family. Shut your devices and concentrate on the real world around you that people used to live (in the deepest sense of the word) even before technology was invented. The bottom line is simply the statement that "we need to go out and mingle with real people, like what we did before social media was born. Go out feel the nature, the weather, strength of relationships, power of love.

Welcome to Jupiter!

NASA says it has received a signal from 540 million miles across the solar system,approves Juno spacecraft has successfully started orbiting the giant Jupiter, the biggest planet in the solar system. "Welcome to Jupiter!" flashed on screens at mission control at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab in California, the Juno team celebrates. Engine burn complete and orbit obtained. I’m ready to unlock all your secrets, #Jupiter . Deal with it. — NASA's Juno Mission (@NASAJuno) July 5, 2016 "This is phenomenal," said Geoff Yoder, acting administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate. "NASA did it once again," said Scott Bolton, Juno principal investigator. "We're there, we're in orbit. We conquered Jupiter." "Through tones Juno sang to us and it was a song of perfection," said Rick Nybakken, Juno Project Manager, referring to the audio signal the probe sent to indicate it was in orbit. ...

Change in relationships after marriage..

"I don't get relationships.      You enter a person's life because they are fun but then people try to get crazy. You are in it together; both unique but one. I don't understand why people try to change a person. If you try to change them then is not love. Faults are enjoyable to me, it makes a person who they are."

Greedy moment to taste the food before it is prepared..

In our childhood days we tried this. Agree??

How you see your self in Gym between your workout!!!

Most of the Days when we pass by the mirrors in the Gym between workout we see our self like a Beast..   And the moment we reach home we we loose this confidence. Google Apps for Work!!