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Showing posts from October, 2015

Cutting trees is same as killing the birds and animals

We all have learned about trees. We learned trees keep our echo system live. We know what happens when we cut off the trees, still we do. Here are few pictures by an artist about cutting trees. Please plant some trees, who knows it might be saving some lives.

True Friends

  How many of you guys agree?? comment 

Communication; Online VS Real life

Over the years, the emergence of numerous social media networks has helped us a lot, especially in connecting people all around the world, end to end. The development of this technology has been our pride, and communicating has never been easier. Right? Yes, social media networks are made with the purpose of making the communications easier, no doubt about that. But somehow..  Don’t you think that it fails to connect people heart to heart? We are no longer communicating face to face but screen to screen instead. Expressions are replaced with emoticons and dialogues are replaced with text messages. Not that I’m saying it’s bad, believe me. It’s great that we can show what expression we wear through emoticons, and it’s great that we can just send a quick text whenever we want to communicate with someone. But the thing is, no matter how great the SNS world is, it’s ONLINE. Not on real life, its ONLINE. It’s important we understand that there is a firm lin...

Three things always you have to control..

We live a good life. And we sometimes be in some situation where we go out of control. Here are three things which you have to keep in control. 1) Anger. Control you anger always. Better try not to be angry. One minute you be angry the next few minutes you will loose your happiness. And some people, when they are angry they just go crazy without realizing the after effects. And after all the actions they feel lost and later they realize what they did was too much. 2) Actions Control your actions. Always think minimum twice before you take any action. Think why are you doing this, and think what will be the after effect. Sometimes when you take any step in your life it might hurt others, directly or indirectly. Do not do anything which make the society think you as their enemy. So think of others to before you act. 3) Greediness To be greedy, we most of us do. This is where we people becomes alone. the devil in our makes us think that the others around you ar...

Three of the most things you should not see it silly

In our life we go through several stages. I am listing here three most important things in life which you should take silly.   1) Liability  When we start seeing liability to be silly, it keeps growing and drags away your happiness. Keep away from liability.  2) Sickness In this century it is easy to be sick. Getting cure is just a dream, since medical science is now just been a business, where doctors are sales people and patients are customers. For doctors nowadays sick people are just price tags. Be fit, take care of your health. Always find some time for physical activities, than to be hooked on laptos and internet. 3) Enemy This is a world of competition, or can be said as a world of corporate. People pretends to helps each other, but in real they are not. Any body around you can be your enemy these days. Be loyal, be  kind, earn some good relation than competing with people in life. You cannot predict who among them will give you a ha...

World Without Smartphones

Smartphones: we all have them and most of us don’t know what we’d do without one. In fact, according to our site analytics, 64% of you will be reading this blog on your smartphone. But are they making us disconnected from our families, our friends, and society in general? The question of whether we are too obsessed with our technology is a topic that everyone seems to have an opinion on. Photographer Eric Pickersgill  has his own ideas in his recent series called  Removed, which is a collection of photographs depicting how bizarre life would look if one simply removed all electronic devices from everyday scenarios. Through this series, he aims to demonstrate the obsessive preoccupation that society has with electronics and gadgets. People are running to conquer the world which is so far, and they don't realize that they are loosing their world which is so close... Let us know what do you think? Are you obses...

Not to be angry, if you need to be happy..

Don't be angry, you will miss your happiness..

Appearance is not the personality

You cannot judge anyone on their appearance. Who knows what they hide behind...

Do mother staying at home need to be paid?

Hi My Devil thinking friends! We launch our first question here. Last day One lady taking survey asked me a question!! Below is the question: What is your opinion about Moms staying at home getting paid? Should they get payment for what they do?? Comment your opinion and the reason for your opinion.. Also share this to your friends, lets see what does they say

Corporate or Cooperate which is your personality?

We had a world when people were co-operative. Every single person were ready to help each others. Everyone had a helping and kind personality, less pressure in life, we respect each other. See how life changed once the word COOPERATE slightly changed to CORPORATE. Every person now have a challenging personality. Friendship for benefit, no time for to help other. Wants to be in the top, don't care for the people who took him up. No respect to his own parents and family. Every one wears a mask of corporate which is not real.                                   In sudden angels in our heart had turned to be devils.. Comments are appreciated..

technology or relationship?

Do you really think technology still connects people?  Comment!!

Peace or social media?

Recently a Lady gave up her facebook account to Live a peaceful life. Do you guys think, we need to live a peaceful ife? What will you give up to live a peaceful life?? comments...