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Natural Beauty or Artificial Beauty, which one is better??

We have a world now who actually is happy in artificial beauty, like they hide their nature and modify themselves to show they are better. This kind of modifications will keep them happy till these modifications are live. No one thinks what happens tomorrow when you will go-to a stage where you cannot do any further modifications. Lets do a comparison with natural and artificial beauty.

When comparing between natural beauty and artificial beauty, one must first ask himself, "What is beauty?" According to the Little Oxford English Dictionary, beauty is described simply as 'the quality of being very pleasing to the senses'. However, Stendhal, a nineteenth century writer states that "beauty is the promise of happiness". Perhaps this is the reason then that human beings, mainly women, are pressured in looking beautiful all the time. This is because beauty happens to be the most gratifying quality of feature for women. The effect it has made on women is astonishing.
Beauty begins with confidence. Confidence begins with inner peace. This inner peace influences natural beauty which is all about the body and face given by God. Among women, natural beauty is merely embellished and enhanced by make up. Make up does not alter the original symmetry of the face or body. Hence, when a woman applies make up, she becomes more confident as she is now more comfortable with herself. In this way, women tend to become less self conscious about themselves.

Artificial beauty occurs when one alters his or her body. It is more commonly known as plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is done to correct a physical abnormality. It can be done to improve both a person's appearance and ability to function. When plastic surgery is mentioned, our minds automatically picture famous actresses delaying the effects of aging or people who want to change the size of their arms, breasts, noses and so on just because they are discontented with their natural beauty. Little do they know that plastic surgery has both, its advantages and disadvantages. For starters, people should discern that there are two types of plastic surgery that is, reconstructive surgery and cosmetic or aesthetic surgery. Reconstructive surgery is generally performed on abnormal structures of the body caused by traumas, diseases, congenital defects and others. On the other hand, cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is to reshape a part of the body which a person is not satisfied with. Common procedures include nose jobs (rhinoplasty), the removal of fat from certain parts of the body (liposuction) and so on. Procedures for both reconstructive and cosmetic surgery can indeed burn a hole in your pocket. However, patients will be pleased to know that most reconstructive surgeries are covered by health insurance. Cosmetic surgeries are not covered by health insurance since it is an elective procedure.
      As per my view, I think we should be happy with our nature and try to keep it live for ever. This is better than putting up a fake face to win the praises of the people among your society.


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